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package lib
import (
var mimeDetector = map[string]string{}
var mu sync.RWMutex
var (
css = addMIME("text/css", ".css")
xz = addMIME("application/x-xz", ".xz")
gzip = addMIME("application/gzip", ".gz")
sevenZ = addMIME("application/x-7z-compressed", ".7z")
zipZ = addMIME("application/zip", ".zip")
tar = addMIME("application/x-tar", ".tar")
xar = addMIME("application/x-xar", ".xar")
bz2 = addMIME("application/x-bzip2", ".bz2")
pdf = addMIME("application/pdf", ".pdf")
fdf = addMIME("application/vnd.fdf", ".fdf")
xlsx = addMIME("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", ".xlsx")
docx = addMIME("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", ".docx")
pptx = addMIME("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", ".pptx")
epub = addMIME("application/epub+zip", ".epub")
jar = addMIME("application/jar", ".jar")
ole = addMIME("application/x-ole-storage", "")
msi = addMIME("application/x-ms-installer", ".msi")
aaf = addMIME("application/octet-stream", ".aaf")
doc = addMIME("application/msword", ".doc")
ppt = addMIME("application/", ".ppt")
pub = addMIME("application/", ".pub")
xls = addMIME("application/", ".xls")
msg = addMIME("application/", ".msg")
ps = addMIME("application/postscript", ".ps")
fits = addMIME("application/fits", ".fits")
ogg = addMIME("application/ogg", ".ogg")
oggAudio = addMIME("audio/ogg", ".oga")
oggVideo = addMIME("video/ogg", ".ogv")
text = addMIME("text/plain", ".txt")
xml = addMIME("text/xml", ".xml")
jsonZ = addMIME("application/json", ".json")
har = addMIME("application/json", ".har")
csv = addMIME("text/csv", ".csv")
tsv = addMIME("text/tab-separated-values", ".tsv")
geoJSON = addMIME("application/geo+json", ".geojson")
ndJSON = addMIME("application/x-ndjson", ".ndjson")
html = addMIME("text/html", ".html")
php = addMIME("text/x-php", ".php")
rtf = addMIME("text/rtf", ".rtf")
js = addMIME("application/javascript", ".js")
srt = addMIME("application/x-subrip", ".srt")
vtt = addMIME("text/vtt", ".vtt")
lua = addMIME("text/x-lua", ".lua")
perl = addMIME("text/x-perl", ".pl")
python = addMIME("text/x-python", ".py")
tcl = addMIME("text/x-tcl", ".tcl")
vCard = addMIME("text/vcard", ".vcf")
iCalendar = addMIME("text/calendar", ".ics")
svg = addMIME("image/svg+xml", ".svg")
rss = addMIME("application/rss+xml", ".rss")
owl2 = addMIME("application/owl+xml", ".owl")
atom = addMIME("application/atom+xml", ".atom")
x3d = addMIME("model/x3d+xml", ".x3d")
kml = addMIME("application/", ".kml")
xliff = addMIME("application/x-xliff+xml", ".xlf")
collada = addMIME("model/vnd.collada+xml", ".dae")
gml = addMIME("application/gml+xml", ".gml")
gpx = addMIME("application/gpx+xml", ".gpx")
tcx = addMIME("application/vnd.garmin.tcx+xml", ".tcx")
amf = addMIME("application/x-amf", ".amf")
threemf = addMIME("application/", ".3mf")
png = addMIME("image/png", ".png")
apng = addMIME("image/vnd.mozilla.apng", ".png")
jpg = addMIME("image/jpeg", ".jpg")
jxl = addMIME("image/jxl", ".jxl")
jp2 = addMIME("image/jp2", ".jp2")
jpx = addMIME("image/jpx", ".jpf")
jpm = addMIME("image/jpm", ".jpm")
xpm = addMIME("image/x-xpixmap", ".xpm")
bpg = addMIME("image/bpg", ".bpg")
gif = addMIME("image/gif", ".gif")
webp = addMIME("image/webp", ".webp")
tiff = addMIME("image/tiff", ".tiff")
bmp = addMIME("image/bmp", ".bmp")
ico = addMIME("image/x-icon", ".ico")
icns = addMIME("image/x-icns", ".icns")
psd = addMIME("image/vnd.adobe.photoshop", ".psd")
heic = addMIME("image/heic", ".heic")
heicSeq = addMIME("image/heic-sequence", ".heic")
heif = addMIME("image/heif", ".heif")
heifSeq = addMIME("image/heif-sequence", ".heif")
hdr = addMIME("image/vnd.radiance", ".hdr")
avif = addMIME("image/avif", ".avif")
mp3 = addMIME("audio/mpeg", ".mp3")
flac = addMIME("audio/flac", ".flac")
midi = addMIME("audio/midi", ".midi")
ape = addMIME("audio/ape", ".ape")
musePack = addMIME("audio/musepack", ".mpc")
wav = addMIME("audio/wav", ".wav")
aiff = addMIME("audio/aiff", ".aiff")
au = addMIME("audio/basic", ".au")
amr = addMIME("audio/amr", ".amr")
aac = addMIME("audio/aac", ".aac")
voc = addMIME("audio/x-unknown", ".voc")
aMp4 = addMIME("audio/mp4", ".mp4")
m4a = addMIME("audio/x-m4a", ".m4a")
m3u = addMIME("application/", ".m3u")
m4v = addMIME("video/x-m4v", ".m4v")
mp4 = addMIME("video/mp4", ".mp4")
webM = addMIME("video/webm", ".webm")
mpeg = addMIME("video/mpeg", ".mpeg")
quickTime = addMIME("video/quicktime", ".mov")
mqv = addMIME("video/quicktime", ".mqv")
threeGP = addMIME("video/3gpp", ".3gp")
threeG2 = addMIME("video/3gpp2", ".3g2")
avi = addMIME("video/x-msvideo", ".avi")
flv = addMIME("video/x-flv", ".flv")
mkv = addMIME("video/x-matroska", ".mkv")
asf = addMIME("video/x-ms-asf", ".asf")
rmvb = addMIME("application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr", ".rmvb")
class = addMIME("application/x-java-applet", ".class")
swf = addMIME("application/x-shockwave-flash", ".swf")
crx = addMIME("application/x-chrome-extension", ".crx")
ttf = addMIME("font/ttf", ".ttf")
woff = addMIME("font/woff", ".woff")
woff2 = addMIME("font/woff2", ".woff2")
otf = addMIME("font/otf", ".otf")
ttc = addMIME("font/collection", ".ttc")
eot = addMIME("application/", ".eot")
wasm = addMIME("application/wasm", ".wasm")
shp = addMIME("application/vnd.shp", ".shp")
shx = addMIME("application/vnd.shx", ".shx")
dbf = addMIME("application/x-dbf", ".dbf")
exe = addMIME("application/", ".exe")
elf = addMIME("application/x-elf", "")
elfObj = addMIME("application/x-object", "")
elfExe = addMIME("application/x-executable", "")
elfLib = addMIME("application/x-sharedlib", ".so")
elfDump = addMIME("application/x-coredump", "")
ar = addMIME("application/x-archive", ".a")
deb = addMIME("application/vnd.debian.binary-package", ".deb")
rpm = addMIME("application/x-rpm", ".rpm")
dcm = addMIME("application/dicom", ".dcm")
odt = addMIME("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", ".odt")
ott = addMIME("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template", ".ott")
ods = addMIME("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet", ".ods")
ots = addMIME("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template", ".ots")
odp = addMIME("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation", ".odp")
otp = addMIME("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template", ".otp")
odg = addMIME("application/", ".odg")
otg = addMIME("application/", ".otg")
odf = addMIME("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula", ".odf")
odc = addMIME("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart", ".odc")
sxc = addMIME("application/vnd.sun.xml.calc", ".sxc")
rar = addMIME("application/x-rar-compressed", ".rar")
djvu = addMIME("image/vnd.djvu", ".djvu")
mobi = addMIME("application/x-mobipocket-ebook", ".mobi")
lit = addMIME("application/x-ms-reader", ".lit")
sqlite3 = addMIME("application/vnd.sqlite3", ".sqlite")
dwg = addMIME("image/vnd.dwg", ".dwg")
warc = addMIME("application/warc", ".warc")
nes = addMIME("application/vnd.nintendo.snes.rom", ".nes")
lnk = addMIME("application/x-ms-shortcut", ".lnk")
macho = addMIME("application/x-mach-binary", ".macho")
qcp = addMIME("audio/qcelp", ".qcp")
mrc = addMIME("application/marc", ".mrc")
mdb = addMIME("application/x-msaccess", ".mdb")
accdb = addMIME("application/x-msaccess", ".accdb")
zstd = addMIME("application/zstd", ".zst")
cab = addMIME("application/", ".cab")
cabIS = addMIME("application/x-installshield", ".cab")
lzip = addMIME("application/lzip", ".lz")
torrent = addMIME("application/x-bittorrent", ".torrent")
cpio = addMIME("application/x-cpio", ".cpio")
tzif = addMIME("application/tzif", "")
p7s = addMIME("application/pkcs7-signature", ".p7s")
xcf = addMIME("image/x-xcf", ".xcf")
pat = addMIME("image/x-gimp-pat", ".pat")
gbr = addMIME("image/x-gimp-gbr", ".gbr")
xfdf = addMIME("application/vnd.adobe.xfdf", ".xfdf")
glb = addMIME("model/gltf-binary", ".glb")
// addMIME наполняем мапку значениями
func addMIME(mimeType, ext string) error {
mimeDetector[ext] = mimeType
return nil
func detectMIME(data []byte, file string) (mimeType string) {
defer mu.RUnlock()
// определяем по расширения, если нашли - возвращаем
if v, found := mimeDetector[filepath.Ext(file)]; found {
return v
// если не нашли или расширение пустое - пытаемся определить по содержимому файла (через сторонний пакет)
mimeType = mimetype.Detect(data).String() // - работает не быстро (по мануалу), но как доп.определялка можно включить
return mimeType