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wpr-200-ctx-s3-client-failed v0.1.58
loveckiy.ivan 8 months ago
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  3. 268
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  5. 202
  6. 266
  7. 234
  8. 4


@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# S3 Stow Implementation
Location = Amazon S3
Container = Bucket
Item = File
Helpful Links:
SDK Notes:
- Metadata of an S3 Object can only be set when the Object is created.
- An AWS account may have credentials which temporarily modifies permissions. This is specified by a token value. This feature is implemented but disabled and added as a TODO.
Things to know:
- Paging for the list of containers doesn't exist yet, this is because there's a hard limit of about 100 containers for every account.
- A client is required to provide a region. Manipulating buckets that reside within other regions isn't possible.
###### Dev Notes
The init function of every implementation of `stow` must call `stow.Register`.
`stow.Register` accepts a few things:
### Kind, a string argument respresenting the name of the location.
`makefn` a function that accepts any type that conforms to the stow.Config
interface. It first validates the values of the `Config` argument, and then
attempts to use the configuration to create a new client. If successful, An
instance of a data type that conforms to the `stow.Location` interface is
created. This Location should have fields that contain the client and
Further calls in the hierarchy of a Location, Container, and Item depend
on the values of the configuration + the client to send and receive information.
- `kingmatchfn` a function that ensures that a given URL matches the `Kind` of the type of storage.
**stow.Register(kind string, makefn func(Config) (Locaion, error), kindmatchfn func(*url.URL) bool)**
- Adds `kind` and `makefn` into a map that contains a list of locations.
- Adds `kind` to a slice that contains all of the different kinds.
- Adds `kind` as part of an anonymous function which validates the scheme of the url.URL
Once the `stow.Register` function is completed, a location of the given kind is returned.


@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
package s3
import (
// Kind represents the name of the location/storage type.
const Kind = "s3"
var (
authTypeAccessKey = "accesskey"
authTypeIAM = "iam"
const (
// ConfigAuthType is an optional argument that defines whether to use an IAM role or access key based auth
ConfigAuthType = "auth_type"
// ConfigAccessKeyID is one key of a pair of AWS credentials.
ConfigAccessKeyID = "access_key_id"
// ConfigSecretKey is one key of a pair of AWS credentials.
ConfigSecretKey = "secret_key"
// ConfigToken is an optional argument which is required when providing
// credentials with temporary access.
// ConfigToken = "token"
// ConfigRegion represents the region/availability zone of the session.
ConfigRegion = "region"
// ConfigEndpoint is optional config value for changing s3 endpoint
// used for e.g.
ConfigEndpoint = "endpoint"
// ConfigDisableSSL is optional config value for disabling SSL support on custom endpoints
// Its default value is "false", to disable SSL set it to "true".
ConfigDisableSSL = "disable_ssl"
// ConfigV2Signing is an optional config value for signing requests with the v2 signature.
// Its default value is "false", to enable set to "true".
// This feature is useful for s3-compatible blob stores -- ie minio.
ConfigV2Signing = "v2_signing"
ConfigCaCert = "ca_cert"
func init() {
validatefn := func(config stow.Config) error {
authType, ok := config.Config(ConfigAuthType)
if !ok || authType == "" {
authType = authTypeAccessKey
if !(authType == authTypeAccessKey || authType == authTypeIAM) {
return errors.New("invalid auth_type")
if authType == authTypeAccessKey {
_, ok := config.Config(ConfigAccessKeyID)
if !ok {
return errors.New("missing Access Key ID")
_, ok = config.Config(ConfigSecretKey)
if !ok {
return errors.New("missing Secret Key")
return nil
makefn := func(config stow.Config) (stow.Location, error) {
authType, ok := config.Config(ConfigAuthType)
if !ok || authType == "" {
authType = authTypeAccessKey
if !(authType == authTypeAccessKey || authType == authTypeIAM) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid auth_type")
if authType == authTypeAccessKey {
_, ok := config.Config(ConfigAccessKeyID)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("missing Access Key ID")
_, ok = config.Config(ConfigSecretKey)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("missing Secret Key")
// Create a new client (s3 session)
client, endpoint, err := newS3Client(config, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a location with given config and client (s3 session).
loc := &location{
config: config,
client: client,
customEndpoint: endpoint,
return loc, nil
kindfn := func(u *url.URL) bool {
return u.Scheme == Kind
stow.Register(Kind, makefn, kindfn, validatefn)
// Attempts to create a session based on the information given.
func newS3Client(config stow.Config, region string) (client *s3.S3, endpoint string, err error) {
authType, _ := config.Config(ConfigAuthType)
accessKeyID, _ := config.Config(ConfigAccessKeyID)
secretKey, _ := config.Config(ConfigSecretKey)
// token, _ := config.Config(ConfigToken)
caCert, _ := config.Config(ConfigCaCert)
if authType == "" {
authType = authTypeAccessKey
httpClient := http.DefaultClient
if caCert != "" {
caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
transport := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: caCertPool,
httpClient.Transport = transport
awsConfig := aws.NewConfig().
if region == "" {
region, _ = config.Config(ConfigRegion)
if region != "" {
} else {
if authType == authTypeAccessKey {
awsConfig.WithCredentials(credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKeyID, secretKey, ""))
endpoint, ok := config.Config(ConfigEndpoint)
if ok {
disableSSL, ok := config.Config(ConfigDisableSSL)
if ok && disableSSL == "true" {
sess, err := session.NewSession(awsConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
if sess == nil {
return nil, "", errors.New("creating the S3 session")
s3Client := s3.New(sess)
usev2, ok := config.Config(ConfigV2Signing)
if ok && usev2 == "true" {
return s3Client, endpoint, nil


@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
package s3
import (
// Amazon S3 bucket contains a creation date and a name.
type container struct {
// name is needed to retrieve items.
name string
// client is responsible for performing the requests.
client *s3.S3
// region describes the AWS Availability Zone of the S3 Bucket.
region string
customEndpoint string
// ID returns a string value which represents the name of the container.
func (c *container) ID() string {
// Name returns a string value which represents the name of the container.
func (c *container) Name() string {
// Item returns a stow.Item instance of a container based on the name of the container and the key representing. The
// retrieved item only contains metadata about the object. This ensures that only the minimum amount of information is
// transferred. Calling item.Open() will actually do a get request and open a stream to read from.
func (c *container) Item(id string) (stow.Item, error) {
return c.getItem(id)
// Items sends a request to retrieve a list of items that are prepended with
// the prefix argument. The 'cursor' variable facilitates pagination.
func (c *container) Items(prefix, cursor string, count int) ([]stow.Item, string, error) {
itemLimit := int64(count)
params := &s3.ListObjectsV2Input{
Bucket: aws.String(c.Name()),
StartAfter: &cursor,
MaxKeys: &itemLimit,
Prefix: &prefix,
response, err := c.client.ListObjectsV2(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Wrap(err, "Items, listing objects")
var containerItems []stow.Item
for _, object := range response.Contents {
if *object.StorageClass == "GLACIER" {
etag := cleanEtag(*object.ETag) // Copy etag value and remove the strings.
object.ETag = &etag // Assign the value to the object field representing the item.
newItem := &item{
container: c,
client: c.client,
properties: properties{
ETag: object.ETag,
Key: object.Key,
LastModified: object.LastModified,
Owner: object.Owner,
Size: object.Size,
StorageClass: object.StorageClass,
containerItems = append(containerItems, newItem)
// Create a marker and determine if the list of items to retrieve is complete.
// If not, the last file is the input to the value of after which item to start
startAfter := ""
if *response.IsTruncated {
startAfter = containerItems[len(containerItems)-1].Name()
return containerItems, startAfter, nil
func (c *container) RemoveItem(id string) error {
params := &s3.DeleteObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(c.Name()),
Key: aws.String(id),
_, err := c.client.DeleteObject(params)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "RemoveItem, deleting object %+v", params)
return nil
// Put sends a request to upload content to the container. The arguments
// received are the name of the item (S3 Object), a reader representing the
// content, and the size of the file. Many more attributes can be given to the
// file, including metadata. Keeping it simple for now.
func (c *container) Put(name string, r io.Reader, size int64, metadata map[string]interface{}) (stow.Item, error) {
// Convert map[string]interface{} to map[string]*string
mdPrepped, err := prepMetadata(metadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to create or update item, preparing metadata")
uploader := s3manager.NewUploaderWithClient(c.client)
_, err = uploader.Upload(&s3manager.UploadInput{
Bucket: aws.String(, // Required
Key: aws.String(name), // Required
Body: r,
Metadata: mdPrepped, // map[string]*string
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "PutObject, putting object")
i, err := c.client.HeadObject(&s3.HeadObjectInput{
Key: aws.String(name),
Bucket: aws.String(,
var etag string
if i.ETag != nil && err == nil {
etag = cleanEtag(*i.ETag)
// Some fields are empty because this information isn't included in the response.
// May have to involve sending a request if we want more specific information.
// Keeping it simple for now.
// s3.Object info:
// Response:
newItem := &item{
container: c,
client: c.client,
properties: properties{
ETag: &etag,
Key: &name,
Size: &size,
//LastModified *time.Time
//Owner *s3.Owner
//StorageClass *string
return newItem, nil
// Region returns a string representing the region/availability zone of the container.
func (c *container) Region() string {
return c.region
// A request to retrieve a single item includes information that is more specific than
// a PUT. Instead of doing a request within the PUT, make this method available so that the
// request can be made by the field retrieval methods when necessary. This is the case for
// fields that are left out, such as the object's last modified date. This also needs to be
// done only once since the requested information is retained.
// May be simpler to just stick it in PUT and and do a request every time, please vouch
// for this if so.
func (c *container) getItem(id string) (*item, error) {
params := &s3.HeadObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(,
Key: aws.String(id),
res, err := c.client.HeadObject(params)
if err != nil {
// stow needs ErrNotFound to pass the test but amazon returns an opaque error
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && aerr.Code() == "NotFound" {
return nil, stow.ErrNotFound
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "getItem, getting the object")
etag := cleanEtag(*res.ETag) // etag string value contains quotations. Remove them.
md, err := parseMetadata(res.Metadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to retrieve Item information, parsing metadata")
i := &item{
container: c,
client: c.client,
properties: properties{
ETag: &etag,
Key: &id,
LastModified: res.LastModified,
Owner: nil, // not returned in the response.
Size: res.ContentLength,
StorageClass: res.StorageClass,
Metadata: md,
return i, nil
// Remove quotation marks from beginning and end. This includes quotations that
// are escaped. Also removes leading `W/` from prefix for weak Etags.
// Based on the Etag spec, the full etag value (<FULL ETAG VALUE>) can include:
// - W/"<ETAG VALUE>"
// - "<ETAG VALUE>"
// - ""
// Source:
// Based on HTTP spec, forward slash is a separator and must be enclosed in
// quotes to be used as a valid value. Hence, the returned value may include:
// - \"<FULL ETAG VALUE>\"
// Source:
// This function contains a loop to check for the presence of the three possible
// filler characters and strips them, resulting in only the Etag value.
func cleanEtag(etag string) string {
for {
// Check if the filler characters are present
if strings.HasPrefix(etag, `\"`) {
etag = strings.Trim(etag, `\"`)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(etag, `"`) {
etag = strings.Trim(etag, `"`)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(etag, `W/`) {
etag = strings.Replace(etag, `W/`, "", 1)
} else {
return etag
// prepMetadata parses a raw map into the native type required by S3 to set metadata (map[string]*string).
// TODO: validation for key values. This function also assumes that the value of a key value pair is a string.
func prepMetadata(md map[string]interface{}) (map[string]*string, error) {
m := make(map[string]*string, len(md))
for key, value := range md {
strValue, valid := value.(string)
if !valid {
return nil, errors.Errorf(`value of key '%s' in metadata must be of type string`, key)
m[key] = aws.String(strValue)
return m, nil
// The first letter of a dash separated key value is capitalized, so perform a ToLower on it.
// This Key transformation of returning lowercase is consistent with other locations..
func parseMetadata(md map[string]*string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
m := make(map[string]interface{}, len(md))
for key, value := range md {
k := strings.ToLower(key)
m[k] = *value
return m, nil


@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Package s3 provides an abstraction of Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service). An S3 Bucket is a Stow Container and an S3 Object is a Stow Item. Recall that nested directories exist within S3.
Usage and Credentials
There are three separate pieces of information required by Stow to have access to an S3 Stow Location: an AWS User's ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_KEY fields, as well as the physical region of the S3 Endpoint. Ensure that the AWS User whose credentials are used to manipulate the S3 endpoint has permissions to do so.
stow.Dial requires both a string value ("s3") of the particular Stow Location Kind and a stow.Config instance. The stow.Config instance requires three entries with the specific key value attributes:
- a key of s3.ConfigAccessKeyID with a value of the AWS account's Access Key ID
- a key of s3.ConfigSecretKey with a value of the AWS account's Secret Key
- a key of s3.ConfigRegion with a value of the S3 endpoint's region (in all lowercase)
The s3.location methods allow the retrieval of an S3 endpoint's Bucket or list of Buckets (Container or Containers). A stow.Item representation of an S3 Object can also be retrieved based on the Object's URL (ItemByURL).
Additional s3.location methods provide capabilities to create and remove S3 Buckets (CreateContainer or RemoveContainer, respectively).
There are s3.container methods which can retrieve an S3 Bucket's:
- name (ID or Name)
- Object or complete list of Objects (Item or Items)
- region
Additional s3.container methods give Stow the ability to:
- remove an S3 Bucket (RemoveItem)
- update or create an S3 Object (Put)
Methods within an s3.item allow the retrieval of an S3 Object's:
- name (ID or name)
- URL (ItemByUrl)
- size in bytes (Size)
- S3 specific metadata (Metadata, key value pairs usually found within the console)
- last modified date (LastMod)
- Etag (Etag)
- content (Open)
package s3


@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
package s3
import (
// The item struct contains an id (also the name of the file/S3 Object/Item),
// a container which it belongs to (s3 Bucket), a client, and a URL. The last
// field, properties, contains information about the item, including the ETag,
// file name/id, size, owner, last modified date, and storage class.
// see Object type at
// for more info.
// All fields are unexported because methods exist to facilitate retrieval.
type item struct {
// Container information is required by a few methods.
container *container
// A client is needed to make requests.
client *s3.S3
// properties represent the characteristics of the file. Name, Etag, etc.
properties properties
infoOnce sync.Once
infoErr error
tags map[string]interface{}
tagsOnce sync.Once
tagsErr error
type properties struct {
ETag *string `type:"string"`
Key *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
LastModified *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"iso8601"`
Owner *s3.Owner `type:"structure"`
Size *int64 `type:"integer"`
StorageClass *string `type:"string" enum:"ObjectStorageClass"`
Metadata map[string]interface{}
// ID returns a string value that represents the name of a file.
func (i *item) ID() string {
return *
// Name returns a string value that represents the name of the file.
func (i *item) Name() string {
return *
// Size returns the size of an item in bytes.
func (i *item) Size() (int64, error) {
return *, nil
// URL returns a formatted string which follows the predefined format
// that every S3 asset is given.
func (i *item) URL() *url.URL {
if i.container.customEndpoint == "" {
genericURL := fmt.Sprintf("", i.container.Region(), i.container.Name(), i.Name())
return &url.URL{
Scheme: "s3",
Path: genericURL,
genericURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", i.container.Name(), i.Name())
return &url.URL{
Scheme: "s3",
Path: genericURL,
// Open retrieves specic information about an item based on the container name
// and path of the file within the container. This response includes the body of
// resource which is returned along with an error.
func (i *item) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
params := &s3.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(i.container.Name()),
Key: aws.String(i.ID()),
response, err := i.client.GetObject(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Open, getting the object")
return response.Body, nil
// LastMod returns the last modified date of the item. The response of an item that is PUT
// does not contain this field. Solution? Detect when the LastModified field (a *time.Time)
// is nil, then do a manual request for it via the Item() method of the container which
// does return the specified field. This more detailed information is kept so that we
// won't have to do it again.
func (i *item) LastMod() (time.Time, error) {
err := i.ensureInfo()
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, errors.Wrap(err, "retrieving Last Modified information of Item")
return *, nil
// ETag returns the ETag value from the properies field of an item.
func (i *item) ETag() (string, error) {
return *(, nil
func (i *item) Metadata() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
err := i.ensureInfo()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "retrieving metadata")
return, nil
func (i *item) ensureInfo() error {
if == nil || == nil {
i.infoOnce.Do(func() {
// Retrieve Item information
itemInfo, infoErr := i.getInfo()
if infoErr != nil {
i.infoErr = infoErr
// Set metadata field, infoErr = itemInfo.Metadata()
if infoErr != nil {
i.infoErr = infoErr
// Set LastModified field
lmValue, infoErr := itemInfo.LastMod()
if infoErr != nil {
i.infoErr = infoErr
} = &lmValue
return i.infoErr
func (i *item) getInfo() (stow.Item, error) {
itemInfo, err := i.container.getItem(i.ID())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return itemInfo, nil
// Tags returns a map of tags on an Item
func (i *item) Tags() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
i.tagsOnce.Do(func() {
params := &s3.GetObjectTaggingInput{
Bucket: aws.String(,
Key: aws.String(i.ID()),
res, err := i.client.GetObjectTagging(params)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "NoSuchKey") {
i.tagsErr = stow.ErrNotFound
i.tagsErr = errors.Wrap(err, "getObjectTagging")
i.tags = make(map[string]interface{})
for _, t := range res.TagSet {
i.tags[*t.Key] = *t.Value
return i.tags, i.tagsErr
// OpenRange opens the item for reading starting at byte start and ending
// at byte end.
func (i *item) OpenRange(start, end uint64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
params := &s3.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(i.container.Name()),
Key: aws.String(i.ID()),
Range: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", start, end)),
response, err := i.client.GetObject(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Open, getting the object")
return response.Body, nil


@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
package s3
import (
// A location contains a client + the configurations used to create the client.
type location struct {
config stow.Config
customEndpoint string
client *s3.S3
// CreateContainer creates a new container, in this case an S3 bucket.
// The bare minimum needed is a container name, but there are many other
// options that can be provided.
func (l *location) CreateContainer(containerName string) (stow.Container, error) {
createBucketParams := &s3.CreateBucketInput{
Bucket: aws.String(containerName), // required
_, err := l.client.CreateBucket(createBucketParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "CreateContainer, creating the bucket")
region, _ := l.config.Config("region")
newContainer := &container{
name: containerName,
client: l.client,
region: region,
customEndpoint: l.customEndpoint,
return newContainer, nil
// Containers returns a slice of the Container interface, a cursor, and an error.
// This doesn't seem to exist yet in the API without doing a ton of manual work.
// Get the list of buckets, query every single one to retrieve region info, and finally
// return the list of containers that have a matching region against the client. It's not
// possible to manipulate a container within a region that doesn't match the clients'.
// This is because AWS user credentials can be tied to regions. One solution would be
// to start a new client for every single container where the region matches, this would
// also check the credentials on every new instance... Tabled for later.
func (l *location) Containers(prefix, cursor string, count int) ([]stow.Container, string, error) {
// Response returns exported Owner(*s3.Owner) and Bucket(*s3.[]Bucket)
var params *s3.ListBucketsInput
bucketList, err := l.client.ListBuckets(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Wrap(err, "Containers, listing the buckets")
// Seek to the current bucket, according to cursor.
if cursor != stow.CursorStart {
ok := false
for i, b := range bucketList.Buckets {
if *b.Name == cursor {
ok = true
bucketList.Buckets = bucketList.Buckets[i:]
if !ok {
return nil, "", stow.ErrBadCursor
cursor = ""
// Region is pulled from stow.Config. If Region is specified, only add
// Bucket to Container list if it is located in configured Region.
region, regionSet := l.config.Config(ConfigRegion)
// Endpoint would indicate that we are using s3-compatible storage, which
// does not support s3session.GetBucketRegion().
endpoint, endpointSet := l.config.Config(ConfigEndpoint)
// Iterate through the slice of pointers to buckets
var containers []stow.Container
for _, bucket := range bucketList.Buckets {
if len(containers) == count {
cursor = *bucket.Name
if !strings.HasPrefix(*bucket.Name, prefix) {
var err error
client := l.client
bucketRegion := region
if !endpointSet && endpoint == "" {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
bucketRegion, err = s3manager.GetBucketRegionWithClient(ctx, l.client, *bucket.Name)
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && aerr.Code() == "NotFound" {
// sometimes buckets will still show up int eh ListBuckets results after
// being deleted, but will 404 when determining the region. Use this as a
// strong signal that the bucket has been deleted.
return nil, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Containers, getting bucket region for: %s", *bucket.Name)
if regionSet && region != "" && bucketRegion != region {
client, _, err = newS3Client(l.config, bucketRegion)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Containers, creating new client for region: %s", bucketRegion)
newContainer := &container{
name: *(bucket.Name),
client: client,
region: bucketRegion,
customEndpoint: l.customEndpoint,
containers = append(containers, newContainer)
return containers, cursor, nil
// Close simply satisfies the Location interface. There's nothing that
// needs to be done in order to satisfy the interface.
func (l *location) Close() error {
return nil // nothing to close
// Container retrieves a stow.Container based on its name which must be
// exact.
func (l *location) Container(id string) (stow.Container, error) {
client := l.client
bucketRegion, bucketRegionSet := l.config.Config(ConfigRegion)
// Endpoint would indicate that we are using s3-compatible storage, which
// does not support s3session.GetBucketRegion().
if endpoint, endpointSet := l.config.Config(ConfigEndpoint); !endpointSet && endpoint == "" {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
bucketRegion, _ = s3manager.GetBucketRegionWithClient(ctx, l.client, id)
var err error
client, _, err = newS3Client(l.config, bucketRegion)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Container, creating new client for region: %s", bucketRegion)
c := &container{
name: id,
client: client,
region: bucketRegion,
customEndpoint: l.customEndpoint,
if bucketRegionSet || bucketRegion != "" {
return c, nil
params := &s3.GetBucketLocationInput{
Bucket: aws.String(id),
_, err := client.GetBucketLocation(params)
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && aerr.Code() == "NoSuchBucket" {
return nil, stow.ErrNotFound
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "GetBucketLocation")
return c, nil
// RemoveContainer removes a container simply by name.
func (l *location) RemoveContainer(id string) error {
params := &s3.DeleteBucketInput{
Bucket: aws.String(id),
_, err := l.client.DeleteBucket(params)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "RemoveContainer, deleting the bucket")
return nil
// ItemByURL retrieves a stow.Item by parsing the URL, in this
// case an item is an object.
func (l *location) ItemByURL(url *url.URL) (stow.Item, error) {
if l.customEndpoint == "" {
genericURL := []string{"https://s3-", ""}
// Remove genericURL[0] from URL:
// url = <genericURL[0]><region><genericURL[1]><bucket name><object path>
firstCut := strings.Replace(url.Path, genericURL[0], "", 1)
// find first dot so that we could extract region.
dotIndex := strings.Index(firstCut, ".")
// region of the s3 bucket.
region := firstCut[0:dotIndex]
// Remove <region><genericURL[1]> from
// <region><genericURL[1]><bucket name><object path>
secondCut := strings.Replace(firstCut, region+genericURL[1], "", 1)
// Get the index of the first slash to get the end of the bucket name.
firstSlash := strings.Index(secondCut, "/")
// Grab bucket name
bucketName := secondCut[:firstSlash]
// Everything afterwards pertains to object.
objectPath := secondCut[firstSlash+1:]
// Get the container by bucket name.
cont, err := l.Container(bucketName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "ItemByURL, getting container by the bucketname %s", bucketName)
// Get the item by object name.
it, err := cont.Item(objectPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "ItemByURL, getting item by object name %s", objectPath)
return it, err
// url looks like this: s3://<containerName>/<itemName>
// example: s3://graymeta-demo/DPtest.txt
containerName := url.Host
itemName := strings.TrimPrefix(url.Path, "/")
c, err := l.Container(containerName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "ItemByURL, getting container by the bucketname %s", containerName)
i, err := c.Item(itemName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "ItemByURL, getting item by object name %s", itemName)
return i, nil


@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Damien Le Berrigaud and Nick Wade
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package s3
import (
const (
signatureVersion = "2"
signatureMethod = "HmacSHA1"
timeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
type signer struct {
// Values that must be populated from the request
Request *http.Request
Time time.Time
Credentials *credentials.Credentials
Debug aws.LogLevelType
Logger aws.Logger
Query url.Values
stringToSign string
signature string
var s3ParamsToSign = map[string]bool{
"acl": true,
"location": true,
"logging": true,
"notification": true,
"partNumber": true,
"policy": true,
"requestPayment": true,
"torrent": true,
"uploadId": true,
"uploads": true,
"versionId": true,
"versioning": true,
"versions": true,
"response-content-type": true,
"response-content-language": true,
"response-expires": true,
"response-cache-control": true,
"response-content-disposition": true,
"response-content-encoding": true,
"website": true,
"delete": true,
func setv2Handlers(svc *s3.S3) {
svc.Handlers.Build.PushBack(func(r *request.Request) {
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(r.HTTPRequest.URL.String())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Failed to parse URL", err)
r.HTTPRequest.URL.Opaque = parsedURL.Path
// Sign requests with signature version 2.
// Will sign the requests with the service config's Credentials object
// Signing is skipped if the credentials is the credentials.AnonymousCredentials
// object.
func Sign(req *request.Request) {
// If the request does not need to be signed ignore the signing of the
// request if the AnonymousCredentials object is used.
if req.Config.Credentials == credentials.AnonymousCredentials {
v2 := signer{
Request: req.HTTPRequest,
Time: req.Time,
Credentials: req.Config.Credentials,
Debug: req.Config.LogLevel.Value(),
Logger: req.Config.Logger,
req.Error = v2.Sign()
if req.Error != nil {
func (v2 *signer) Sign() error {
credValue, err := v2.Credentials.Get()
if err != nil {
return err
accessKey := credValue.AccessKeyID
var (
md5, ctype, date, xamz string
xamzDate bool
sarray []string
headers := v2.Request.Header
params := v2.Request.URL.Query()
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(v2.Request.URL.String())
if err != nil {
return err
host, canonicalPath := parsedURL.Host, parsedURL.Path
v2.Request.Header["Host"] = []string{host}
v2.Request.Header["x-amz-date"] = []string{v2.Time.In(time.UTC).Format(time.RFC1123)}
for k, v := range headers {
k = strings.ToLower(k)
switch k {
case "content-md5":
md5 = v[0]
case "content-type":
ctype = v[0]
case "date":
if !xamzDate {
date = v[0]
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "x-amz-") {
vall := strings.Join(v, ",")
sarray = append(sarray, k+":"+vall)
if k == "x-amz-date" {
xamzDate = true
date = ""
if len(sarray) > 0 {
xamz = strings.Join(sarray, "\n") + "\n"
expires := false
if v, ok := params["Expires"]; ok {
expires = true
date = v[0]
params["AWSAccessKeyId"] = []string{accessKey}
sarray = sarray[0:0]
for k, v := range params {
if s3ParamsToSign[k] {
for _, vi := range v {
if vi == "" {
sarray = append(sarray, k)
} else {
sarray = append(sarray, k+"="+vi)
if len(sarray) > 0 {
canonicalPath = canonicalPath + "?" + strings.Join(sarray, "&")
v2.stringToSign = strings.Join([]string{
xamz + canonicalPath,
}, "\n")
hash := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(credValue.SecretAccessKey))
v2.signature = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
if expires {
params["Signature"] = []string{string(v2.signature)}
} else {
headers["Authorization"] = []string{"AWS " + accessKey + ":" + string(v2.signature)}
if v2.Debug.Matches(aws.LogDebugWithSigning) {
return nil
const logSignInfoMsg = `DEBUG: Request Signature:
---[ STRING TO SIGN ]--------------------------------
---[ SIGNATURE ]-------------------------------------
func (v2 *signer) logSigningInfo() {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(logSignInfoMsg, v2.stringToSign, v2.signature)


@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ import (
// support Azure storage
_ ""
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ type vfs struct {
location stow.Location
container stow.Container
comma string
cacert string
type Vfs interface {
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ func (v *vfs) Connect() (err error) {
s3.ConfigAccessKeyID: v.accessKeyID,
s3.ConfigSecretKey: v.secretKey,
s3.ConfigRegion: v.region,
s3.ConfigCaCert: v.cacert,
case "azure":
config = stow.ConfigMap{
